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Struggling to make people laugh in grim early-1980s Gotham City, the mentally ill street clown and failed stand-up comedian, Arthur Fleck, wears his smudgy makeup every day to eke out an existence. Mocked, bullied, and above all, marginalised, Fleck's slippery grip on reality will pave the way for a gradual descent into a dark world of unrestrained violence, as a loaded revolver enters the picture offering the long-awaited liberation. Then, the medications stopped working, and troubled Arthur's fierce hatred seems to be the only way out. Is the world prepared for the gloriously malevolent advent of the grinned super-villain, Joker?;
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Horribly shallow, derivative and repugnant. Dramatically flawed – actually the story of the mother told through the excruciatingly telescoped lens of the son. In the process it vilifies just about everyone (but no points for consistency because if they’d had the guts, a struggle with sexuality might have actually made it interesting {I can’t help thinking the thought was on Joaquin’s mind but the film declared otherwise. One of the profound master strokes of Ledger’s portrayal was to specifically preclude the need of an origin story yet like so many the need to have that incredible manifestation explained willed me to my seat for the whole acrid, eat-all-your-stinky-seventies-references-or-there’s-no-dessert duration. What is eventually slopped out in response to the riddle of the joker (I promise to take that no further) however is so remarkably banal that it better serves to illuminate the gluttonous, exploitative villainy of the corporations behind the production. That said, production values were decent although I couldn’t help comparing the dim cinematography to the exquisitely stark visions of the Nolan movies.

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First Murray was the figure of authority, just like Thomas Wayne, deciding how the soul of Gotham would look like, what is good and evil. People like Arthur were jokers to them, but when Fleck turned the tables and took over the mind of the city, he became the new god, deciding what is right or wrong, funny or not. To him people like Bruce Wayne and Batman are jokers and the history repeats itself. I think that the movie is partly about that, the struggle between light and darkness, chaos and order, two things impossible to define and hence neither Murray nor Arthur Fleck or Bruce Wayne can ever know if they are right or wrong. It is a riddle without an answer. Pit without a bottom, that is why Joker laughs at the end. That is why he is so much different than his ‘brother’ Bruce. He embraces that there is no answer and ridicules those that cling to believes. I believe Bruce is (and will be) different not only from Joker but from Thomas or Murray as well. He does not fight for what he thinks is just. He is always fighting to become a symbol, lighthouse, a messiah for all those living in a senseless world, to keep them from falling into the same abyss that created Joker and then killed his parents. Because we will never know right from wrong, but we can save other’s from falling into the cracks of those definitions, which turns them into monsters. I wonder if the film was about that.



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I saw it yesterday, would definitely recommend.
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I just watched it. It was practically perfect till they started driving round town. then it all went downhill rapidly. The big reveal wasnt as satisfying as I hoped it would be cause I called it early. It was great fun, nonetheless.

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Knives Out has the perfect balance for a film in all components. The cinematography is beautiful, the plot and character development completely pull you into the experience, every single actor was the perfect choice for the film, and it has some really great comedic moments to keep you wanting more. I don’t have a single complaint about the whole thing. I thought I knew what to expect going into it, but I am so happy that I was wrong with my initial expectations. This movie is a must see.
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I found Rian Johnson’s Star Wars film to be disappointing, but I believe in going into every movie with an open mind, and I really enjoyed ‘Knives Out.
It’s an intricate mystery story that feels clever, witty, and made with a lot of passion and care. An early twist in the plot puts this film on another level, distinguishing it from other murder mysteries and making it a unique experience. The characters are very distinctive, and the brisk pace means that the 130 minute runtime is never boring. The theme of self-made success is also beautifully explored.
I found the ending to be slightly rushed, but overall, the film comes across as funny, smart, and unpredictable, all at the same time. Would certainly recommend giving it a watch.

Just watched this and its easily one of my new favorite movies. I didnt even want to watch it until I was watching it. And now Im gonna be telling everyone who hasnt seen it to watch it.
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After his wife's death, the eccentric, famed doctor and veterinarian of Victorian England, John Dolittle (Robert Downey, Jr.) isolates himself away behind the high walls of Dolittle Manor with his animals for company. When Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley) falls ill, a reluctant Dolittle is forced to go on an epic adventure to a mythical island in search of a cure, regaining his wit and courage as he crosses old adversaries and encounters wondrous creatures
Director – Stephen Gaghan

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Sometimes you just want more for someone, even if they are rich, famous, and probably doing fine. Today, that person is Robert Downey Jr., star of Dolittle, in which he plays an eccentric doctor who can talk to garish, computer-generated animals. Dolittle is Downey’s first big feature film after retiring from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, yet he exhibits none of the trademark charisma audiences might hope for after ten years of Tony Stark (and a few years as a pretty fun Sherlock Holmes).
Like a good fairy tale, the movie delivers Doctor Dolittle’s backstory via storybook illustrations: how John Dolittle and his wife devoted their lives to helping animals, could speak their languages, and how her death during a voyage at sea caused him to retreat from the world, becoming a hermit in his manor / nature preserve. He’s forced to abandon his agoraphobic lifestyle when two children intrude to tell him the Queen of England is sick, and if she dies, the successor to the throne has plans to take Dolittle’s estate from both him and the animals he safeguards.
It’s perfectly inoffensive stuff, until Robert Downey Jr. opens his mouth and starts speaking with a bizarre Welsh accent, one that you’ll refuse to accept for about a third of the movie and yet somehow he just keeps doing it. It’s a performance that’s a bummer in more ways than one. Downey Jr. has excellent manic energy that makes him well-suited to playing weirdos and misanthropes, and plenty of folks are probably hoping to see him loosen up a little post-Marvel. Unfortunately, that’s very hard to do when you barely share the screen with another human being.
This is where it helps to remember that Dolittle is a very expensive, high-profile kids’ movie, and that these days it’s quite rare to get such an expensive failure in this realm. The movie is mostly a vehicle for talking animals, and like any movie with talking animals, the menagerie talks too much. Some of this is mitigated by the fact that their voices are recognizable — Kumail Nanjiani voices a stubborn ostrich, Jason Mantzoukas plays a very annoying dragonfly — but the movie is also aggressively unfunny. The biggest laughs come from surprise at completely bizarre swings: a barely euphemistic dick joke; goofs about divorce and abortion (the ostrich’s dad says he “should’ve been an omelet”); and a bizarre dragon colonic, where Dolittle reaches into the giant lizard’s (obscured) rectum to pull out bagpipes and a set of armor.
The best stuff is from human actors who briefly appear in somewhat villainous roles. Antonio Banderas plays the king of a foreign land with a bone to pick with Dolittle, and Michael Sheen is the doctor’s longtime rival. Both actors are no strangers to being the best part of whatever they’re in, and they continue the streak here.
Unfortunately, this movie was a disaster before the cameras even started rolling. It was initially written and directed by Stephen Gaghan, a filmmaker mostly known for serious adult dramas like Syriana. Dolittle — then called The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle, much like the classic novel it’s based on — was retooled by two different filmmakers with more family-friendly bona fides, a process that works for some big-budget films, but absolutely did not help this one. It’s a mess.
Dolittle is repeating history. The original 1967 Doctor Dolittle was a legendary flop that was also a notoriously troubled production, a bizarre role for its star Rex Harrison to choose and a questionable choice for all involved parties. Dolittle is much the same, a big disaster on a scale that’s rarely seen — although this time it’s not because movies are rarely this expensive. It’s because they’re often too expensive to really be a complete failure. These days, money doesn’t buy quality, but it often does buy competence. Just not all of the time.
I do not regret my time spent with Dolittle. No one, as my editor reminded me, made me see it. This was entirely my decision. I do, however, feel preemptive regret on behalf of others, namely the parents who will be made to see Dolittle for what’s likely to be a total of 87 times come December. The movie is dreck made just acceptable enough for children with still-developing frontal lobes, one that would bore most adults to tears if it didn’t stop to do things like give a dragon a colonic. I will think a lot about the Monday night I spent watching it for another two weeks, and then I will likely forget it ever happened.

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Critics Consensus
Dolittle may be enough to entertain very young viewers, but they deserve better than this rote adaptation’s jumbled story and stale humor.
Total Count:
Audience Score
Verified Ratings: 11, 520
Dolittle Ratings & Reviews Explanation
Movie Info
After losing his wife seven years earlier, the eccentric Dr. John Dolittle (Robert Downey Jr. ), famed doctor and veterinarian of Queen Victoria’s England, hermits himself away behind the high walls of Dolittle Manor with only his menagerie of exotic animals for company. But when the young queen (Jessie Buckley, Wild Rose) falls gravely ill, a reluctant Dolittle is forced to set sail on an epic adventure to a mythical island in search of a cure, regaining his wit and courage as he crosses old adversaries and discovers wondrous creatures. The doctor is joined on his quest by a young, self-appointed apprentice (Dunkirk’s Harry Collett) and a raucous coterie of animal friends, including an anxious gorilla (Oscar (R) winner Rami Malek), an enthusiastic but bird-brained duck (Oscar (R) winner Octavia Spencer), a bickering duo of a cynical ostrich (The Big Sick’s Kumail Nanjiani) and an upbeat polar bear (John Cena, Bumblebee) and a headstrong parrot (Oscar (R) winner Emma Thompson), who serves as Dolittle’s most trusted advisor and confidante.
PG (for some action, rude humor and brief language)
Action & Adventure,
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Directed By:
Written By:
In Theaters:
Jan 17, 2020
On Disc/Streaming:
Mar 24, 2020
106 minutes
Universal Pictures
News & Interviews for Dolittle
Critic Reviews for Dolittle
Audience Reviews for Dolittle
Dolittle Quotes
Movie & TV guides.

People don’t seem to understand that Eddie Murphy’s Dr. Dolittle was incorrect, changed for comedic purposes. RDJ’s Dr. Dolittle is the real one, since it’s based off the original book. Also, let’s not forget Rex Harrison’s Dr. Dolittle from 1967 (although, I do understand why most people don’t know about him and that movie.


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Dude, you said Vive la résistance! with a really convincing french canadian accent. Are you? If you aren’t, good job, that was good french.
Doctor Dolittle may refer to:
Doctor Dolittle, the central character of a series of 14 books written by Hugh Lofting between 1920 and 1952
Doctor Dolittle (1967 film), a 1967 Rex Harrison film musical
Doctor Dolittle (TV series), a 1970 DePatie-Freleng animated television series
Doctor Dolittle (musical), a 1998 stage musical with book, music and lyrics by Leslie Bricusse, based on the 1967 movie
Dolittle (film), a 2020 film primarily based on The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle
or, a series of films remaking the 1967 original:
Dr. Dolittle (1998 film), a 1998 film starring Eddie Murphy
Dr. Dolittle 2, a 2001 sequel to the 1998 film and Eddie Murphy’s last in the series
Dr. Dolittle 3, a 2006 direct-to-video (DTV) sequel starring Kyla Pratt, the original daughter throughout the series
Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief, a 2008 direct-to-video (DTV) sequel
Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts, a 2009 direct-to-video (DTV) sequel
See also [ edit]
Dolittle (programming language)
Doolittle (disambiguation).

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Let’s make a petition to give that squirrel an Oscar.

1 /
5 stars
1 out of 5 stars.
Deploying a terrible Welsh accent and surrounded by CGI-mouthed animals, the eccentric Victorian gent comes to the aid of the sickly queen
Old hat … Robert Downey Jr in Dolittle.
Photograph: Allstar/Universal Pictures/Jay Maidment
A n exotic new film accent has arrived, to be treasured alongside Dick Van Dyke’s Beverly Hills cockney in Mary Poppins, Michael Keaton’s lockjaw Mummersetshire in Much Ado About Nothing and Russell Crowe’s Geordie-Cornish-Glasgow in Robin Hood. Robert Downey Jr has had a crack at being Welsh (or has suffered a minor stroke) in Dolittle, a new version of Hugh Lofting’s novels about the eccentric Victorian gent who talks to the animals.
This is the family movie we didn’t know we needed. Because we really didn’t. The only justification of Dr Dolittle is to facilitate rude jokes in a Viz comic, but he has nonetheless made it to the screen with Eddie Murphy in 1998 and in the 1967 musical with stately Rex Harrison – a movie featured in Mark Harris’s brilliant book Scenes from a Revolution for being the hilariously out-of-touch best picture Oscar nominee alongside The Graduate, In the Heat of the Night, Chinatown and Bonnie and Clyde.
As played by Downey, Dr Dolittle has retreated into a hermit existence since the death of his wife, surrounded by GCI-mouthed animals, voiced by stars taking the easy paycheck; but he is summoned to the bedside of Queen Victoria ( Jessie Buckley), who is gravely ill and surrounded by malign courtiers such as Lord Badgely ( Jim Broadbent). Dolittle decrees that the cure comes from the fruit of the Eden tree on a remote island and so must voyage there with his animal pals in a Pirates-of the-Caribbean-y way and then voyage back, hoping against desperate hope that he is not too late.
Ranged against him is his dastardly brigand father-in-law, Rassouli ( Antonio Banderas). There is also a spiteful and envious rival physician named Dr Blair Mudfly – Michael Sheen, playing someone called Blair for the second time in his career. What Sheen, born in Gwent, makes of Downey’s accent can only be imagined. It really is horribly inert, and every time Downey opens his mouth to say something unintelligible, the film dies a bit more. After just a few minutes, it is clear. He has done quite enough.
• Dolittle is released in the UK on 7 February.

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Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.
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